
Top 10 Best Office Chat Applications and Software's

Collaboration and communication in every team, which is why it is important to have the best chatting and team collaboration tools, apps and software. People use chats for several reasons, whether they are business issues or private matters & having a good app can definitely streamline things and make communication a lot easier and fast. On that note, here are some office chat applications to try.

1. Twist

A great chatting app for offices, Twist contains standard channels for conversations. So if you wish to type something, you could either comment on the thread that is existing or begin a new one. This will keep your conversation well focused and help you see what conversations have occurred when you were not present. It also allows you to send direct messages to people and has a todoist button for those who want to attach a task to the conversation.

2. Google Hangouts

Google Hangouts are perfect for conversations at your work place. However, remember that they offer semi privacy. You can easily invite the team members to some rooms. After that, you can also create some new ideas to the conversation or even follow up to some older ideas to all existing conversations. This will keep your chat focused and perfect. You can also attach documents and photos alongside.

3. Flock

In Flock, you can begin a new chat, add others and start talking. You can reply to texts and quote the texts to which you want to reply. If you want to share files, Flock also allows you to do that. You can connect Google Drive to it and share files directly. Once all the options are on the table, you can tap on the icon and get the team to vote. It is an actionable and quick way to get the team to start talking and get things done.

4. ChatWork

Chatwork is a popular social network used mostly for business chats. You can add an entire profile to the account, complete the contact info and details. You can also join different other group chats and keep all chats together and jump between conversations whenever you want. It makes sure the notifications turn on time so that you don’t have to miss out on any information.

5. Ryver

Ryver is not just for those who want to chat but also people who want to keep their chats organized. You can always select the texts you need, add a subject line and add thoughts to it so that you can expand some of your thoughts. It also lets you merge your texts and chat posts and adds them to the posts tab. You can also follow up with the posts alongside other tasks.

6. Zoho Cliq

Zoho Cliq varies from other chat apps in terms of style and looks. Instead of being able to converse with one person at one time, you can speak to multiple people and send them private texts too. You can also keep several messages open at the same time.

7. Discord

Discord is a great CB radio invited for the web that has been built for the purpose of team chat. They have channels for all topics that you would like to discuss, various emoji reactions for a better feedback and an option to pin the messages. This helps you keep track of what’s happening. You can also speak to anyone over call with the help of voice channels. It is possible to keep the mic off as well.

8. Cisco Webex Team

This one is also a team chat app made for this creative people who would like to send text messages as well as images. It allows you to keep the conversation simple along with straightforward messaging that makes room for things within a single click. With this, you will have to talk instead of chatting. Webex Teams will also include Cisco powered voice along with video chats that will work favourably with VoIP devices.

9. Mattermost

This one is a self hosted team chat app that has some great tools alongside many options that makes things easier for the team to work on. It streamlines all your messages regardless of how many channels or team members you have.

10. Yammer

If you want a Facebook style network, Yammer is a good idea. It is a part of Microsoft and allows you to stay updated on whatever is happening. It has like buttons and comments and a messenger style chat option for conversations.

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