
Latest Web Development Trends for Boosting Your Online Business - 2019

Technology is ever-changing, and with our busy schedules we might miss out on the latest trends that can benefit our businesses. So let’s go through some recent updates on web development that can help your website designers bring more business online

Artificial Intelligence for Websites and Apps

Artificial intelligence is slowly substituting human intelligence or human intervention. Google and Wikipedia have been successful with these programs, and surely the web developers will aim to develop more such programs in the current year. One such program is The Grid, which helps website designers create websites with the help of an artificial intelligence program called Molly. They just provide the content and the rest is managed by Molly.

  • JavaScript: JavaScript is a very popular technology among stack developers. It is available for learning online.
  • Typescript: Typescript provides support to all JavaScript features and proposals. It uses the same syntax and semantics used by javascript developers.
  • AI-Controlled Home: We are already surrounded by smart home and security systems that enable us to set the temperature of our living rooms or turn on the lights when we enter our homes. a website design and development company more recent advancement is an artificial intelligence bot named Jarvis that runs the house of Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg.
  • Static Site Generators: This is a new-age technique to create websites by just having web pages in the form of simple files that run through the servers without having a database. This is a big step and will reduce the website loading time and provide improved security.
  • Clean Design: It is important to design the menu keeping in mind other factors like the page loading time. Using effects where backgrounds and foregrounds move at separate pace may look appealing initially but might prove to be complex and time taking. It is advisable to keep the site less cluttered.
  • The color of the Web Page: Bright colors look very lively and visually attractive. But avoid overdoing it and keep it as per the business identity.
  • Typography: Trying something new and interesting with fonts will surely get noticed. Keeping great content and a check on grammar is essential, but you can be playful and innovative for creating a lasting impression.
  • Focus on Animation: Website design and development company have been using animation on digital platforms, and this year it will be no different. Designers are working at making better tools for building interesting and appealing animations.
  • Flexbox: This CSS layout module is highly friendly and responsive. The designers from the web development companies find it useful in manipulating objects with aligning and distribute tools.
  • Ruby on Rails: Rails 5 has the full potential of becoming famous this year. Initially, it seemed like the web developers were not too happy with rails, but it picked up eventually due to the ease in operation and various features offered such as Turbolinks 5 and actionable. Turbolinks 5 can help create a single page application without using client-side JavaScript framework.
  • Motion UI: The motion user interface works through flexible CSS patterns that include the JavaScript libraries and allow integration of animations in websites. There is much more left to be done in this area.
  • Angular JS: This was released in 2016 and has a freshly designed JavaScript framework. Web designers are working to keep it updated and have at least one update out in every six months. It is quite popular with the developers as it is very compatible with videos, animation and other non-static documents.A website should be attractive and interactive. The year 2017 will probably see developers work in the direction of making high-quality design websites with a focus on content management and development.The designers will endeavor to create an overall magical experience for the customers with the use of latest trends and technology, some of which we have discussed here.

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Written by Davu Siva

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