
How To Protect Your Device From Ransomware Attacks

This month, netizens have witnessed the biggest cyber attack in the history of the Internet. Yes, WannaCry is the cyber attack which is believed to be bigger than any of the previous one which includes 2011’s Sony’s Playstation Network or 2014’s Heartbleed. Well, coming back to WannaCry that have majorly victimized the European computers. WannaCry found its root in the world of computers just after the alleged team of North Korean hackers found the vulnerability in the PCs equipped with Windows (Operating System).

As we have already mentioned that WannaCry is the biggest cyber attack ever, let us justify our statement by putting forward the fact that this ransomware attack has affected over 200,000 machines in its initial hours. The first few victims were located in Europe that includes Renault and its partner Nissan.

What Is Ransomware?

‘Ransom’ is a word that itself gives you the understanding of a crime associated to kidnapping. But, yes, it is a bit tricky to understand how this word can be linked to the world of computers. Ransom is a predefined amount of money which is used to retrieve the private data of your computer when your PC gets hit by a ransomware attack. This malware denies your access to your own private data and the only way to retrieve your access is to get the decryption key by paying the ransom amount.

How To Hold Onto Your Private Data From Ransomware Attack?

WannaCry has infected the older versions of Windows. So, before we jump to any of the protection steps, you must update your current operating system. And now, counting the other pieces of advice that can save your private data from getting affected by this malicious attack.

1. Back-up Is Important

It is important that you have an updated recovery system in place if your PC faces ransomware attack. Always remember to maintain two backup copies; one is on the trusted cloud network (try to maintain an auto recovery system) and another one is on any physical storage like portable hard drives or thumb drives. Also, never leave your extra physical storage of data to stay connected to the PC as the malware might affect the failure of your hard drive too.

2. Always Use A Powerful Antivirus Software

This is another way to protect your data from getting affected by ransomware. Also, never switch off ‘heuristic functions’         as it is capable of detecting ransomware attacks.

3. Do Not Trust Random Mailers

It is advisable not to compromise your data by clicking on malicious links which are distributed by seemed to-be promising fake email messages or any kind of medium.

4. Enable ‘Show File Extensions’ In Your PC

You need to stay away from files which end with the extensions like ‘.exe’, ‘.vbs’ and ‘.scr’. These files can also disguise itself as an image or a document (like .jpg.exe or .doc.scr).

5. When Being Attacked

If your data is being attacked then disconnect your machine from the Internet as soon as possible. This will prevent the infection from spreading.

Keep in mind that ransomware is not only attacking the bigger brands of the world but it is also affecting a common man’s private data too. So, if your machine is by any chance falls under the radar then it would be advisable for you to act.

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